Fat Loss / Energy / Science by Unicity, Inc
Bios Life Slim assists the body to:
- Lose weight and decrease the body's fat storage
- Aids the body to lower cholesterol
- Promotes an increase of HDL (good cholesterol)
- Supports the body to Lower LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Helps the body to lower Triglycerides
- Increase energy
Use Bios Life Slim for:
- Reducing appetite
- Promotes the absorption and decrease of the fat stored in the body
- Diminishing cravings
- Increasing energy with NO USE of Stimulants
Benefits of Bios Life Slim:
- Supports healthy blood sugar levels
- Lowers glycemic index of your food
- Supports the body's regulation of the energy intake
- Helps maintain blood sugar levels
Find Bios Life Slim in the PDR (Physican Desk Reference) for medical/healthcare provider approval. There is solid, evidence-based research data available for review.
Who is it safe for? Anyone because Bios Life Slim is derived from natural ingredients so it is safe for all ages but is recommended for adults and teenagers who want to lose excess fat or prevent gaining additional fat. The natural ingredients of Bios Life Slim are good for any age group. More children are experiencing problems with weight and fat issues than ever before. Children six to twelve should consume only half servings of Bios Life Slim. For children under six, we recommend you consult your pediatrician about adding Bios Life Slim to their diet.
Bios Life Slim is safe for long-term use, and is Gluten Free, Kosher, and Child approved.
Everyone has choices to make about using this product.
- Use it for your own personal health improvement
- Become a franchise owner and help others, family, and friends, become healthier while establishing an income for yourself
- Help your medical/health care professional help you, others and themselves
- ALL of the above
Contact me for more information, to try a sample, to get started, or check online at for product information for marketing material
As your personal consultant, let me know your choices and I'll assist you with making the best decision. I can be your personal energy care provider when you need a boost. (See the Bios Life Slim testimonial.)
Energy Machines
Chi Machine
A machine that provides a form of massage when you are lying on your back and resting your heels on the footrest, lasting 15 minutes or as desired. There is brisk movement from side to side. Relax and breath deeply and after the machine stops, remain lying still to enjoy the experience. The benefits include a whole body workout, increasing oxygen levels to promote better health.
This machine can be purchased to be used in your own home OR used during a session in my office.
E.R.E. or Electro Reflex Energizer
This machine offers a full body experience starting with the feet. It utilizes low frequency stimulation by placing your feet on heated foot pads. The goal is relaxation, received through warmth and stimulation to the feet. Computerized programs vary the speed and intensity of the oscillation massage automatically. Based on reflexology concepts, the benefits include improved blood circulation, relief of stressful aches and pain, easing tension and reducing fatiques.
This machine can be purchased to be used in your own home OR used during a session in my office.
Contact us for prices and more information regarding our products.

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experiences to the utmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for newer and richer experiences."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Vicki is a member of the following professional organizations: